December again

Suddenly, when little ironies show their hideous faces, and the little world twists madly on and around its weary axis, it's as if you can hear Jesus saying, "Am I not enough?"  In His Words, He promises, My grace is sufficient for you, and Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.  

I can think I am at equilibrium and sufficiently past time's early barriers, but when the tendrils of expectation enter my head, they weigh me down with the scent of deception and false deities.  I scramble in the dark for easy exits, forgetting there is no reason to run.

Emmanuel means God is with us - I want only to be always conscious of His omniscience.
A year ago I was (once again) at a very low point, overnight as it seemed.  Last night, confused and self-loathing and crying tired tears, I asked for help again.  Like this year was new, this morning was also new.  He doesn't look down on my ongoing battles: every time I look up He pulls me through. 

How do you be joyful again, when you remember past joys being undone by personal sorrows?  By probability, joy will never not be crushed again, but through Jesus, sadness and losses are conquerable.  New courage, when it is so perfect, is a miracle, and comes as quietly yet completely as only God can make happen.
